Tuesday, October 07, 2008

No I Don't Wanna Save the Fucking Forests!!!

I’ve been wanting to write about this for months but every time either something came up or I had no time. Fortunately (or shall I say unfortunately) this topic is never stale. It’s like a summer ritual, that every spring/summer, considerable portion of Turkish forests burn down. Some say it’s the terrorists, others say it’s the stupid picnicers, probably it’s both. The fires are so major, most of the time we have to re-arrange our trips or vacations according to them.

And everytime after the fires cease, we get one of those “donate us now 5 YTL to plant a sapling to regrow our forests” commercials, and each time from different foundations. Yeah of course, if I say anything against this it only means that I’m a senseless bastard and I should be assaulted on, but after 10 years of the same bullshit, you start to get tired of it. Every summer forests burn, and these commercials start popping up. And 5 YTL for a sapling? That’s like, 3.5 dollars. Are you making profit out of it or something? If you are, then maybe you guys are the people who burn the forests because obviously you people are the only ones who’d make profit out of a burning forest. Of course nobody ever talks about this shit, cause you know, they are the good charity people. I’m sorry but I’m not gonna give 3.5 dollars to donate a disposable sapling which will burn down next year. If you guys are really into saving the nature and shit maybe you can change your commercials to:

“Donate us money now so we can hire armed men to patrol in the forests and blow the fucking brains out of anyone who comes close with a match” Now that’s a good cause, count me in.

Have a nice day...


gorikuri said...

In this case.. you are tired of people treating the SYMPTOMS and not the ROOT of the problem. Is it the SAME general areas that end up burning?

ProfWade said...

Dear Efe,

Thanks again for agreeing to help my students. I asked them what they knew about Turkey and the majority essentially said they knew "nothing!"
One student responded to the ten questions with "Turkey shares its name with a wild bird."
I'm sure she was joking, but I was surprised by how little they claimed to know.
After reading your powerful opinions, I'm sure they won't ever say "nothing" again. [g]

Take care,

Ken Wade


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